A Guide To Ringless Voicemail Marketing: How It Works, Dos And Don’ts, And More

February 24, 2023
A Guide To Ringless Voicemail Marketing: How It Works, Dos And Don’ts, And More

Establishing a connection with your customers is an excellent way to grow your business and boost your sales. Unfortunately, building a solid customer relationship isn’t easy. Cold calling and other marketing strategies often require more time and resources.

However, even if your sales reps can manage countless calls throughout the day, you can’t guarantee they’ll establish connections with your customers. Over time, this process may cause burnout to your sales reps, especially when they face countless unattended lines, unanswered calls, and rejections. This is where ringless voice marketing comes in.

If you’re unsure about it as part of your marketing strategy, here’s a guide to learning more about ringless voicemail marketing.

What Is Ringless Voicemail Marketing And How Does It Work?

As the term implies, this type of marketing uses a ringless voicemail. Unlike traditional voicemails, users will receive voicemail messages directly in their voicemail box without ringing their phones. With that in mind, it’s a less intrusive and more innovative way to target new leads and reach out to potential customers.

In addition, ringless voicemails can help streamline your sales process and enable your sales reps to qualify leads quickly. However, have well-written scripts to get results with ringless voicemail marketing.

Do’s And Don’ts Of Ringless Voicemail Marketing

If you want to maximize ringless voicemail marketing, there are many things you should keep in mind. The following do’s and don’ts will help you stay on the right track and achieve your goals without facing any problems.

1. Do Personalize Your Content

When it comes to ringless voicemail marketing, you should personalize your content and avoid creating the same message repeatedly. Each voicemail must be personalized based on your target audience’s needs.

Once you implement personalization, you’ll reduce the likelihood of ignored voicemails. Remember that consumers don’t want messages that sound general or something that’s copy-pasted on the internet. Creating personalized voicemail messages is vital to make them feel special and valued.

2. Don’t Be Too Promotional

Several consumers complain about sales reps being too salesy. While persistence is part of your sales team, you should know the difference between adding value and pursuing customers who aren’t interested.

One of the effective marketing tips to remember is to avoid sounding promotional. Instead, create a voicemail with helpful details. This will help you record a voicemail message that doesn’t sound desperate or pushy. As a result, you’ll provide your customers with a good experience.

3. Do Use Compelling Calls-To-Action (CTAs)

CTAs encourage your potential customers to take necessary actions whenever you want them to do. For instance, if your voicemail campaign aims to boost the number of newsletter readers, your CTAs must motivate prospects to subscribe to your email.

If you don’t know how to create compelling CTAs, here are some tips to consider:

  • Give A Reason: Your CTA must give your audience a reason they should take action immediately. For instance, you can offer them offers and discounts when they return a call after listening to your voicemails. You may also include time elements, like deadlines. This will encourage your recipients to respond quickly. However, be sure to provide something that will motivate them to respond.
  • Use Strong Words: Use commanding and strong action verbs for your CTA. These may include “Subscribe Now” or “Limited Time Offer.”
  • Take Advantage Of Your Recipient’s Emotions: If you want your customers to take action, use the power of emotions. For example, you can encourage your customers to purchase the items they’ve always dreamed of.

Using the correct CTA is the key to achieving results with ringless voicemail marketing. Follow the above tips to help create the most compelling CTA for your campaigns.

4. Don’t Use The Traditional Closing Lines

Having an effective closing line is as essential as including a CTA in your ringless voicemail message. With the right closing line, it may encourage customers to get back to you. Moreover, it may show that you value your recipients.

Unfortunately, for your closing lines to work, avoid using the traditional or outdated ones, including “Please get in touch” or “Have a great day.” Instead, use other closing lines like thanking your recipient for listening to your message or leaving your number for further assistance. These closing lines may encourage your customers to respond to your ringless voicemail.

5. Do Include Greetings

The first line of your voicemail message is crucial to your marketing campaign’s success. It must provoke your recipient’s minds to make them listen to your message until the end.

To do this, start your voicemail message by using your recipient’s first name. Introduce yourself and include the company name and job position. This way, your recipients will get an idea about your purpose.

Using personalized greetings is an effective way to foster relationships and communicate with your potential customers. Once done properly, they can encourage your recipients to trust your brand more, resulting in better sales over time.

6. Don’t Forget About The Right Timing

The traditional telemarketing strategies don’t work because they often interrupt customers. Problems, including distraction, wrong timing, and disruption, may disappoint customers. Due to this, make sure to keep the right timing in mind.

Although ringless voicemails are non-disruptive, you still need to focus on perfect timing. Besides, sending voicemails at the best time for your recipients to respond and listen to them may be beneficial.

More often than not, mornings and evenings are the best time to send ringless voicemails. When it comes to the right day, avoid sending it on Mondays because most people are busy with their jobs. You may also send it on Saturday and Sunday when most people have free time.

7. Do Learn The Basics Of Ringless Voicemail

Sending a ringless voicemail isn’t as simple as sending text messages. This is why learning the basics of ringless voicemail before anything else is crucial. Some of these basics include the following:

  • Rules And Regulations On Telemarketing

One of the things you need to understand is the relevant laws in telemarketing. You must comply with the rules and regulations if you want to implement ringless voicemail marketing without inconvenience. You should know that the laws prohibit unwanted telemarketing calls, which applies to text messaging and pre-recorded calls. In addition, it’s best to get prior consent to contact your target customers.

To avoid breaking the laws and stay compliant, use a ringless voicemail tool that helps update your campaigns based on the latest telemarketing laws and regulations. This way, you can send ringless voicemails without worrying about anything.

  • Record A Voicemail Message Properly

Other than learning the laws, you must also learn how to record a voicemail message properly. You should understand that ringless voicemail marketing isn’t all about delivering pre-recorded messages. It also revolves around establishing connections with your potential and existing customers. The good news is that many tools and best SMS marketing apps will help you easily record your messages.

When creating a ringless voicemail marketing campaign, here are some of the essential elements to remember when recording:

  • Simplicity: Avoid including unnecessary gimmicks and jargon that may complicate your messages. Keep your voicemail simple, so your recipients can quickly understand what you’re trying to convey.
  • Proper Tone: Be sure your tone suits the message you wish to convey. It must also match your brand voice to avoid discrepancies and confusion in the long run.
  • Appropriate Length: Your ringless voicemail must not be too short or long. If possible, record a message for 20-30 seconds since people have a short attention span. While recording, ensure to include the important details of your campaign.

Getting started with ringless voicemail marketing may seem easy. But to get your desired results, you need to learn the basics to master it.

8. Don’t Forget To Include Your Callback Number

You can use ringless voicemail marketing to help customers learn about your business and purchase your services or products. To achieve this, you need to provide more information about your company for clarification purchases. With that in mind, you must include your callback number.

Having a callback number enables your recipients to get in touch with you. Aside from a callback number, you may also provide other contact details, including your website name, email address, and social media profile. You can also include your location if you’re running a local store. All these allow you to gain more leads, improving your company’s growth and sales.

9. Do Create Sales Scripts

Sales scripts are useful when recording voicemails. If you have one, you can speak confidently, prevent mistakes, and avoid stuttering. However, it must only contain the crucial points you need to discuss.

When using sales scripts, try to avoid word-for-word sales scripts so you won’t sound less interesting. It may not also encourage your recipients to interact with you. So, if you don’t want your voicemails to sound less persuasive and uncomfortable, make sure to create a sales script that’s specific and customized.

Doing so will make your customers feel valued, encouraging them to listen to your voicemails and take the necessary action. But before you record your voicemail messages, review your sales scripts. Then, make time to proofread and edit the sentences to make a well-written script that will attract customers and increase conversions.

10. Don’t Send Your Voicemails Without Testing Them

Before you send ringless voicemails to your list, consider testing them first. You need to ensure they’re flawless and don’t sound too promotional. You must also check the volume quality of your voicemails, so your customers can easily understand what you’re trying to say.

Testing your voicemails can also help you fact-check your message and determine inaccuracies, such as incorrect contact information. Once you include the wrong digits, it may ruin your campaigns.

These are some of the do’s and don’ts of ringless voicemail marketing. Understanding and keeping them in mind may help you reach your goals and avoid costly mistakes.

Benefits Of Ringless Voicemail Marketing

Whether you’re running a new business or a well-established company, you can benefit from implementing ringless voicemail marketing. Some of the advantages you can enjoy are as follows:

  • Improve Your Sales Pitch

A sales pitch is essential in every marketing campaign. The good thing about ringless voicemail marketing is that you can have time to create quality scripts. With this, you can make scripts that are relevant, informative, error-free, and concise before recording a voicemail message.

  • Boost Your Sales Team’s Productivity

Ringless voicemails free up your sales team’s time, allowing them to do more and be productive. Since you can automate sending ringless voicemails using software, your sales reps have more time to assist other customers. As a result, your sales team can close more sales quickly.

  • Target A Wider Audience

Some marketing strategies may require you to initiate contact with one person at a time. With ringless voicemail marketing, you can reach a wider audience.

Once done recording your voicemail message, all you need is to send it to your target audience, which takes a few minutes. After this, your sales reps can make a follow-up for those consumers who respond to your previous voicemails.

Therefore, not only can your sales team save time to reach a wider audience, but they’ll also spend more hours on other core activities of your sales operations. Use the best ringless voicemail software with automation features and advanced functionalities for better results.

  • Non-Intrusive

One of the best things about ringless voicemails is that they show how considerate you are with your customers’ time. Since you can send them without ringing your recipient’s phone, you won’t worry about disrupting your customers. You can also allow them to play your voicemail message anytime.

These are some of the perks of using ringless voicemail marketing for your business. If you want to experience such benefits, use a reliable ringless voicemail service provider that will help your business grow.

Wrapping Up

No matter what kind of business you’re running, ringless voicemail marketing can be an excellent strategy to grow your company. Unlike other forms of marketing, it allows you to deliver your message to your consumers’ mobile devices without causing any disruption.

It also enables your customers to respond to your messages anytime they want to. However, to get the best results with ringless voicemail marketing, be sure to look for a reliable provider.

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