Robert Mourey Jr: We’re enabling humanity’s optimal digital trust paradigm we call the QuantaVerse.

November 23, 2023

A quick introduction about what your company does/your values/mission.

We’re enabling humanity’s optimal digital trust paradigm we call the QuantaVerse. The QV is an omni-compliant, AI enabled, post-quantum secure, legal anonymity only, incentivized proof of stake (POS) blockchain ecosystem. QV is designed to deliver a wide range of digital solutions where optimal usability, high value, high-volume, low barrier applications are the norm.

Tell us about yourself?

“I’m a polyglot software & web3 engineer, entrepreneur and business owner based in Pennsylvania, USA.

It’s been 22 years since I wrote my first program with zero experience while working at my first professional job at AES/PHEAA. In my 6 years at AES, I developed and administered digital knowledge dashboards for over 100 loan programs, IBM HERA mainframe workflow and QA automation tools, websites, SQL databases, managed a team of 10, created a 100 page staff development guide, and initiated and co-developed several large scale automations saving millions of $. During the next 10 years, I gained 6 years of federal and commercial healthcare industry experience in a business systems analyst / mainframe programmer capacity, graduated real estate school and gained 3 years of experience as licensed realtor in the state of PA, and spent 3 plus years making a full recovery from a near life ending accident. Afterward, I returned to school on a half time basis in 2016 and earned the majority of my 93 credits in the Bachelors degree program of Computer Science at Southern New Hampshire University. On May 18, 2020 I founded Ethereum project DAFIDAO and was named to Marquis Who’s Who of America in May 2022. The accolade was earned through several individual achievements including leading a US based DAO from 0 to a Crunchbase ranking of 18,000 as of 2/13/2023, engineering & integrating 7K lines of Haskell blockchain code with a self modified version of the Cardano ecosystem to create a new Haskell blockchain ecosystem – “Bcc”. I am ranked in the top 1% of coders globally per CodersRank(dot)io.

Around the time I started at AES/PHEAA, I became interested in the financial markets and investing. I started trading penny stocks and luckily didn’t lose a ton of money. This led me to begin reading voraciously to better understand what I was doing. Immediately I realized how fascinating the financial markets were as a whole which, over several years, led me to trade stocks, options, forex, futures, and commodities. As someone highly interested in the financial markets and computer science, the blockchain was a natural interest. “

If you could go back in time a year or two, what piece of advice would you give yourself?

Nothing because I wouldn’t be right here, right now.

What problem does your business solve?

Humanity’s perfect technological storm where the digital transformation, AI, web3, regulatory compliance, and quantum computing are colliding  and creating a tectonic shift throughout business and society in general.

What is the inspiration behind your business?

The combination of digital identity and compliance inadequacies plaguing both web2 and web3 and to an extent AI as well as the world rapidly approaches the post quantum computing era. In early 2022, we experienced an OKEX listing scam involving 8 people utilizing the lack of digital identity authentication on LinkedIn and Telegram as leverage. This really opened up our eyes to the enormity and importance of the issue.

What is your magic sauce?

We’re a US based first mover DAO who already has a SAM ID number from the US govt. Our founder,  Robert Mourey Jr, is in the top 1% of coders globally per CodersRank(dot)io and has 20 plus years of professional experience in several domains. Before we launch mainnet of our omni-compliant, post quantum secure, POS blockchain ecosystem, we’re winning the masses with a product everyone can identify with,  use, and trust – Mediclear – a Transparency in Coverage AI enabled healthcare rate and knowledge viewer and analytics tool. We’re planning to have the trust of at least 10 million satisfied customers at the time of genesis.  18% of all capital raises and revenue will be allocated to our stability fund until it reaches 1 billion $USD equivalency. The DAO  holds 2755 Gnosis Safe tokens in our Gnosis Multi-SigS

What is the plan for the next 5 years? What do you want to achieve?

“In the 3rd of year of operation, we will begin providing data servers of all sizes to those who stake our coin – business, educational and research institutions, government bodies,

and individuals – to ensure DAO data sovereignty. We will also issue our own iSIM digital identity chips for cell phones that wil act as a one stop digital passport for everything. “

What is the biggest challenge you’ve faced so far?

Market conditions related to record inflation, the FTX debacle, ChatGPT mania, and the war in Ukraine have slowed our seed funding initiatives. The need for another full time cofounder making similar contributions has also slowed things down however we’re in the process of hiring another co-founder right now.

How do people get involved/buy into your vision?

Whether it’s those looking to join the team or for more investor related information to head to, create an account, and subscribe for updates. For direct communication please call us at +13072008918, email us at, or request a callback using our zendesk support button on the bottom right portion of the homepage

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