HECTOR R. PERDOMO SR.: Mr. Ian Naismith Was Our Founder as Well as the Youngest Grandson of Dr. Naismith

November 28, 2022

Mr. Ian Naismith was our founder as well as the youngest grandson of Dr. Naismith, We are continuing his mission and purpose of promoting good sportsmanship and helping underprivileged children with basketball.

We also have added to our mission statement why basketball was invented and that’s to be bring people together to enjoy themselves with this amazing sport and provide knowledge by being -“STRONG IN BODY -CLEAR IN MIND -&-LOFTY IN IDEALS!” We will be Bringing mental clarity to all that need a little bit of guidance in any realm possible!

Tell us about yourself?

I fell in love with basketball the minute I seen the ball bouncing. I never played until I was 12 years old and just wish that I would have played it sooner.

I have coached basketball for over 15 years and have coached over 1000 individuals to love this game. One particular day I was headed to work at Universal Studios ‘City walk.

There was a restaurant called NBA City- That Labor Day weekend of 2000 my life changed forever. I met Mr. Ian Naismith that day headed to work. And my life hasn’t been the same since. Fast forward 6 months after my encounter with Mr. Naismith.

I was in a severe bad car accident that I shouldn’t be telling this story. An Angel named David touched me that night I had my car accident of a corvette rearending my 1987 Ford bronco II that catapulted me 15 – 20 feet in the air while flippling 4-5 times and slamming on my roof and proceeding to slide for over 200 feet.

When I managed to get my composure, I heard a voice over my left shoulder- asking me if I was, ok? Because David and his girlfriend had the same accident two weeks prior, but they didn’t wear their seat belts.

That I night I should have left this planet, but God had bigger plans. Fast forward to today. Unfortunately, Mr. Naismith passed away and I am managing the Naismith international basketball foundation, a non-profit corporation dedicated to promoting his grandfather values and Morales.

Sportsmanship, dignity, and honor is what we will remind everyone that touches a basketball and also share with them that if they have any concerns or ill thoughts that we want to and will help them overcome any bad decisions.

Mental anguish is the to priority of our foundation now and we have the best unifier in the world “BASKETBALL”- This is an empowerment movement to overcome mental anguish! https://youtu.be/eb8EoN59WTI

If you could go back in time a year or two, what piece of advice would you give yourself?

Always be grateful for every moment that you are healthy and do not put off what you need to do today because before you can even blink the time has passed and you will be closer to your vision and over all goals than you think if you would have started.

What problem does your business solve?

Mental Anguish and building character, Morales, and overall values of being a better human being.

What is the inspiration behind your business?

One day I woke up and it was an ordinary day. Going to work as usual a prep cook at Universals Studios City Walk – NBA CITY restaurant back in the 2000s.

As I get onto the moving sidewalks coming out of the parking garage I passed an older white Caucasian character with a gold briefcase and a statue of some sort.

As I am passing him, I hear in the back of my neck “Excuse me sonny? Do you know where NBA city is? Those words changed life forever! I said sure just follow me.

Unfortunately, it wasn’t as easy as I thought. – The gentleman was struggling with he two items he had, So I offered to help him and just as I found out later in our relationship he was as stubborn as an old Mule.

But eventually after the third time of me asking to help him I had given him an ultimatum and that was for us to switch our belongings. I took the statue and the gold briefcase, and he took my chef’s coat.

As we were making our way to the restaurant, at the time I was coaching MY KIDS IN basketball, and we were unstoppable. But we never disrespected the game the way people do today. We always showed good sportsmanship and dignity never over confidence or dominating attitudes.

I would not tolerate that. We still stopped five times on our way to the restaurant – btw, later on I found out why. So, when we finally come into the restaurant and I go to shake this persons hand and say goodbye – My life changed forever!

I shared with this man my name and said It was a pleasure to help you sir have a great day! That’s when it happened- As I am pulling my hand away from his he tells me his name. My name is Ian Naismith. Ian “YOON” Naismith son – my grandfather invented the game of basketball.

I said HUH. He then replies- son- would you like to see what you was carrying? When he opened the briefcase- Walla – the magna carter of sports- the original rules of basketball right in front of my face! From that moment forward it was like we were meant to meet that unusually hot September day.

Mr. Naismith was not feeling and trying to walk on a bad lg didn’t help him either. Since then, we became close friends, and he would talk to me about the ups and downs of the foundations. His beautiful wife Renee was the backbone of the foundation.

she is the one that would do the logistics of everything the foundation needed. When she passed, he tried to do what he could, but it was just too much for one man. I totally agree and I am not a Naismith.

I met MR Naismith for a purpose ad I /we can’t let his grandfather and him down and let the game get away from its foundation of good sportsmanship and discipline, guidance, and the best of all perseverance. Because without it – you might as well give up before you even try!

What is your magic sauce?

Basketball- WE INVENTED IT! Our founder was Mr. Ian Naismith, the youngest grandson of Dr. James Naismith. And we are bringing intellectual property as well as history from the very source who invented the game of basketball

What is the plan for the next 5 years? What do you want to achieve?

Basketball never stops and hasn’t stopped since it was invented back in 1891. But the world doesn’t even know when it first started. Naismith Basketball Bday Bash will be a yearly educational summit/ fundraiser for the host community.

We want to bring to the world the importance of who-what-when -where and why basketball is so important. And it’s not for what this world has become accustomed too.

Dr. Naismith was a renaissance man and his life’s story needs to be shared with the world he created. Basketball was invented to be an empowerment movement and a people unifier. With this yearly fundraiser we can strengthen struggling communities that need help with strong economics.

To help the members of the community that have mental concerns. Mental anguish is a disease, but we have the antidote and much needed empathy every day that we can provide for the person (s) that need our help.

Every year we will be able to bring and help struggling communities with funds that will be donated directly to the very host of the event.

We will strengthen the community by donating between 60-70% of all monies raised during the campaign and this to help bring structure and guidance to the youth of tomorrow NOW! We will be in ten major cities by 2028 or sooner.

The goal is to bring to be an international campaign every year and celebrate BASKETBALL’S BDAY-around the world! https://youtu.be/ACKY6zFF_qE – Naismith’s-Basketball-Bday-Bash#2023

What is the biggest challenge you’ve faced so far?

My name is Hector Perdomo and we are the Naismith International Basketball Foundation, and we would like to know how we can get our own event scheduled.

This would be a first of its kind and would like to sit down and go over all measures with you guys. Thank you.

What is the biggest challenge you’ve faced so far? My biggest challenge has been battling my own demons and frustration – after being married for over 25 years I am homeless – fighting the pain and hurt caused by the end of what I thought was supposed to be my everlasting life.

I had to overcome being homeless – Unfortunately that was an experienced that I never thought I would happen to me but the third I was homeless is when Mr. Naismith passed away, which just happened to be my father’s Bday.

I have been doing my best to continue his vison. I have campaigns that are solid but not enough exposure or support to create an empowermental movement to bring an end to mental anguish and many more epidemics that we can target with the game.

We want to empower these campaigns with the world our founders grandfather manifested. Our concepts are created to help the underprivileged youths and mentally challenged individuals in our communities.

AS WELL AS Veterans -first responders and anyone that can use some mental guidance. By providing events like – Esports Tournaments – that will help and enlighten the fans of the game. During these past five years I had to adjust the campaigns due to the lack of promotional abilities.

Everything has a cost nowadays and even though we never asked for any in-kind donations with anyone that is profiting from basketball.

The foundation is STILL! Expected to pay their fair share. Point being- Mr. Davis Whitfield -I contacted the NFHS to promote our event in their 1,950 schools and their 12 million fan base.

For a 30 second commercial they PROPOSED A cost of $55,000.00 and this is the first time EVER the Naismith foundation asked to promote their mission into the very school’s that are experiencing these crisis on a daily basis.

NATIONAL FEDERATION OF STATE HIGH SCHOOLS ASSOCIATION have donated over $33,000,000.00 million dollars and we can get our foot in the door to promote and help bring an end to mental anguish, bullying and human trafficking and educate the students about guns and obesity.

How do people get involved/buy into your vision?

We will create Naismith Nation. This is where we will unite the best of the best in every sport and curriculum that we can support. From basketball – to medicine – to drama to doctorates!

We need all hands-on deck either physically – virtually and financially – to make that commitment and to help fund these concepts.

Which will empower the very communities that you and your families live in! Guns don’t kill nobody- ignorance and lack of empathy fuels it! Respectfully, PRESIDENT PERDOMO h.perdomo@naismithfoundation.org 321-527-1177 DIRECT CELL #kidsneedbasketball #basketballneedkids #basketballneverstops!!! #BlackMamba4ever#2020

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