What You Should Avoid When Using a Rigging Shackle

December 16, 2022
What You Should Avoid When Using a Rigging Shackle

The shackles you use for rigging loads are not universal and are only appropriate for some applications, depending on the component you’re working with. You must follow specific instructions and guidelines to use shackles safely, as you would with any other equipment on the work site. Go over what you should avoid when using a rigging shackle to develop a safer work environment for employees.

Never Use a Damaged or Worn Shackle

The shackle is a crucial component in lifting your loads off the ground. If the equipment you’re using is worn out or damaged in any way, it will threaten the safety of the work site, so it should never be used. For example, if the pin can no longer engage or there is thread damage, you should remove the shackle for repair and use a different component for the time being.

Never Side Load With D or Round Pin Shackles

D and round pin shackles were designed for in-line loading and could become a hazard if you side-load with these components. The center line of the load should line up with the center of the shackle for the safest rigging operations. There are several types of rigging shackles, so you must ensure you choose the correct one for your application to avoid injury or accidents.

Never Substitute Shackle Pins Unless They’re an Exact Replacement

Various manufacturers make shackle pins, but mixing and interchanging equipment made by different companies is not in your best interest. Pins are made to work with a suitable shackle; using one that is inappropriate could damage the equipment or cause serious injuries due to negligence. If you need to replace a pin and do not have the proper substitute, do not use that shackle. Instead, select other equipment to work with until you can make the correct replacement.

Never Force a Shackle Into Position

When you’re using a rigging shackle, you should avoid forcing it into position if it’s too small for the equipment. Forcing the shackle to work for you will never work out in the way you would hope and can cause unnecessary accidents. Even if you’re behind on the job, safe rigging practices should remain a top priority. Always use suitable equipment and do not force items to do something they are not intended for.

Other rigging shackle practices you should avoid include loading a shackle beyond its weight limit, welding a shackle, and allowing pins to come in contact with moving parts. Shackles are an essential component on a rigging work site, so you must always be mindful of how you use this equipment. Consult with the manufacturer’s instructions if you’re ever unsure whether your equipment is appropriate for an application.

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