Eric Strung: Helping Sellers Easily Sell Their House Regardless of Condition or Situation

February 26, 2022

Direct Property Buyer helps sellers easily sell their house regardless of condition or situation. We will buy your house completely “as is” skipping all of the traditional hassles associated with selling.

We pay cash, cover all typical closing costs, close on the day of the seller’s choosing, skip formal inspections, don’t do appraisals, and don’t have any contingencies that a traditional buyer will request.

Unlike other home buyers we actually buy your house and do not assign the contract to someone else before even buying it. Direct Property Buyer is a great solution for selling houses in all types of conditions as well as helping sellers with many different situations.

We strive to treat every seller with the upmost respect and patience. We pride ourselves on helping sellers with their options so they can choose the path to sell that makes the most sense for them. After buying a house it’s usually renovated and given a fresh look.

Tell us about yourself?

One of my first jobs after college was working as a leasing agent often helping people moving to Chicago find their first apartment. That started my interest in real estate and led to buying a condo for myself that needed renovation.

I spent a lot of time learning to fix aspects of the unit and how an association was run. I soon started working with a group that bought investment houses. I took pieces of those experiences to start what is now Direct Property Buyer.

If you could go back in time a year or two, what piece of advice would you give yourself?

The last two years in real estate have been unlike any other. I was actively buying houses during the real estate crash of 2008 so I’m aware of what can change and happen quickly. At first when Covid really hit the US in the spring of 2020 I thought that it was possible the same thing could happen again.

The market did essentially stop for a bit but then quickly became one of the most competitive markets of all time. I spent time considering how the market will change but know that I can’t control it. Moving forward I will continue to buy houses using knowledge of market conditions that is current.

What problem does your business solve?

So many people find themselves with a house that needs renovation and they don’t want to do it. Others inherit a house that they need to quickly sell. Plenty of other sellers want to simply skip the hassle of listing a house on the open market.

These transactions come with many hoops to jump through and uncertainty. Direct Property Buyer will buy your house in any condition leaving you to think about what’s next instead of worrying about selling your house.

What is the inspiration behind your business?

Knowing we are helping to solve a burden and problem for so many homeowners is very rewarding. The appreciation from sellers who’ve sold their house to our company inspires us to keep helping others.

What is your magic sauce?

The great service we provide for our sellers is top notch. We believe in discussing all options with each seller to determine if selling to us might be in their best interest. If it seems like another option may be beneficial for someone we aren’t shy about telling them.

Even if we don’t end up buying someone’s house we want each person we meet with to feel good about their chosen path to sell their house. If we end up coming to an agreement, our straightforward process and “no games” promise gives sellers comfort throughout the process that they know their house sale will close as expected.

What is the plan for the next 5 years? What do you want to achieve?

As we continue to grow we look to help more and more sellers in the Chicago area. Our footprint grows and we look to take on more unconventional types of projects.

What is the biggest challenge you’ve faced so far?

Managing many renovations at once is always a challenge. The last two years have had shortages in lumber, copper, appliances, cabinetry, and so much more. Rising labor costs in addition to these material shortages have increased planning time and how we evaluate each potential project.

How do people get involved/buy into your vision?

If you own a house, condo, townhouse, multi-unit, or vacant land in Illinois and would like to sell or would like more info about us visit, follow us on Facebook at DirectPropertyBuyerChicago, and check out our many 5-star reviews on Google.

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