Clark Stevenson: We solve people’s exercise equipment problems to keep people moving and exercising!

July 11, 2023

We solve people’s exercise equipment problems to keep people moving and exercising! We sell the parts and provide the technical support to get exercise equipment fixed and to get people back in their exercise routine.

Tell us about yourself?

I worked in this industry in college and really enjoyed it. Then I worked with NordicTrack then left them to work with another large manufacturer until I decided to start my own company in 1998.

If you could go back in time a year or two, what piece of advice would you give yourself?

Trust your decisions and stay focused. Enjoy successes and remember that people are the most valuable part of your business.

What problem does your business solve?

We solve the issue of an interrupted exercise schedule when someone’s machine breaks down. We help people figure out what is wrong then supply the parts to get them up and running!

What is the inspiration behind your business?

It is easy to get up in the morning and get to work when you know that you are helping people keep up their exercise routine which improves their health, appearance, and quality of life.

What is your magic sauce?

We take especially problematic parts that regularly fail and engineer permanent fixes for these problem parts. We are the only solution in our business that engineers BETTER, more expensive replacements for customer’s equipment.

What is the plan for the next 5 years? What do you want to achieve?

We dominate the sector of our industry in direct consumer sales and now we want to expand into helping the guys doing the service do the exact same thing. So if a repair person is doing this kind of work on a daily basis, we want to help her fix equipment with better parts, at a great value so she can provide a great value to the customer, and improve her business operations.

What is the biggest challenge you’ve faced so far?

COVID was the biggest challenge that we have faced. Since we were consumer focused, our business was put into all kinds of stress. We had employees worried that they were going to get sick and maybe die so they quit and we also had an entire department for servicing equipment and that business line went from being healthy to having NO revenue in a single week!

How do people get involved/buy into your vision?       

We really want to help people who service exercise equipment as a full-time occupation. We believe we can help them earn more money, fix problems permanently, help people get back to an exercise routine, and help them make better decisions in their business that will help them make more money and operate more efficiently. They can signup for our weekly newsletter and have the opportunity to win a gift card to Lowe’s or Home Depot at the following link:

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