Abdur Rab Akhond: Online Retail Site To Help Worldwide Customers To Build the Best Customer Experience

March 19, 2022

Extend Buy LLC is an online retail ecommerce site to help worldwide customers to build the best customer experience to purchase products online. Our unique feature is providing quality goods directly from manufacturer to customers where customers will get products with minimum cost.

Tell us about yourself?

In 2014 I was not able to afford the cost of living in Dhaka City. I also could take any job because I was a student of BBA 7 semester. I borrowed a note book from my friend Zahirul Islam and started freelancing in Sales & marketing sector. My primary target was earning some money to support my living cost and educational cost. Till now I am a freelancer, entrepreneur and working for international clients. Additionally, I have founded a couple of businesses and those are working for both domestic and international clients. I founded Extend Buy with some other wings. Right now over 35 people are working under my business and growing their career. We are also working to create 200 employment opportunities in 2022.

If you could go back in time a year or two, what piece of advice would you give yourself?

You are exactly the same as you can imagine! Just keep patience, do hard work, and always focus on the next step.

What problem does your business solve?

Extend Buy LLC is an ecommerce site to help worldwide customers to build the best customer experience to purchase products online. Our unique feature is providing quality goods directly from manufacturer to customer, Free Shipping worldwide, Minimum cost of item.

What is the inspiration behind your business?

Inspiration behind my business is imagination. I always learn from others and do case study and imagine what would be the perfect or better than it. Do some analysis and start operations to make the difference.
In every project I start following maximum possibility and try my label best and continue improving to make a unique and incredible result.

What is your magic sauce?

Competitors are my stakeholders because I always learn from them like what they are doing, what their strategies are and what they want to achieve or solve problems but I am not so much concerned about them. I am only concerned on Better tomorrow that will make us different. I have long term goals like how I want to see my business after 5 years, 10 years or 20 years but I only concern what happened today and what should happen tomorrow to achieve goals that will solve problems and make life easier.

What is the plan for the next 5 years? What do you want to achieve?

I am more focused on the next step. Right now I am working on developing my own products like software, tools, Apps, AI that will make life easier and save time, money, effort etc. At the same time we are expanding our service in the international market to engage more people in our services. Another global problem is unemployment and we believe, in the next 5 years we will create around 5000 employment globally.

What is the biggest challenge you’ve faced so far?

The biggest challenge is building trust on customers and personalizing the business. For example, Amazon is the market leader in the ecommerce industry. Most of the new customers are choosing Amazon for shopping though some other businesses are offering the best value for customers.

How do people get involved/buy into your vision?

We want customers for shopping with Extend Buy to get the best experience and the value of money.

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